Beyond the ocean
Lying down I hear the fairy-tale sound of the ocean, as soon as I raise my head I see a bright shining sun…
Then I wake up and realize that I’m at home in Armenia, my plane landed a long time ago and ocean is already a memory. But because the beginning was promising I don’t want to disappoint you.
This summer my vacation was billions of kilometers away from Armenia. Walk of Fame, Madame Tussaud’s museum, Downtown, Santa Monica, Six Flags and so I can list endlessly, but I think you already know which country it is. Yes it’s United States of America, country of dreams and opportunities. There is a stereotype that there money grows in trees but believe it didn’t meet me.
America only gives opportunity , and leaves the rest to your discretion.
Be in America and not try American fast food it’s just a crime. Now you will say that it is unhealthy food and shouldn’t be abused but any harmful thing is the most desirable.
Streets…. wide highways, tall palms, bicycle paths, running tracks.
Is attractive yes?
Do you think you can see from the car window walking people?. No you don’t. Everyone is moving by cars which causes crazy traffic jams. But I’m not blaming anyone because living in a megalopolis like Los Angeles, it can’t be otherwise. When you plan to go somewhere you should keep in mind that you will spend at least 2 hours on the road.
That’s right, Los Angeles isn’t as safe as Yerevan but you should forget about it and enjoy it at night. Lights, half-empty streets. To make the evening more perfect, you can get a little closer to the ocean, hear the clash of waves in the dark. It is an indescribable pleasure.
Museums in Los Angeles are a different world. I want to mention the museum complex of Getty Center. Paul Getty museum which is now housed in the Getty Center building. It is considered the biggest art museum in California. The museum was founded by oil owner Paul Getty who was once considered the richest man in the world. The museum acknowledged his multimillion worth heritage as the wealthiest with the volume of exhibits of the ancient and renaissance period.
USA is on of the biggest countries, it has so many places where I haven’t been to, but will leave it for another time
I hope I managed to distract you and take with me in the wake of my memories.
Do you think you can see from the car window walking people?. No you don’t. Everyone is moving by cars which causes crazy traffic jams. But I’m not blaming anyone because living in a megalopolis like Los Angeles, it can’t be otherwise. When you plan to go somewhere you should keep in mind that you will spend at least 2 hours on the road.
Eating chips helps you study better
- According to some researches, it seems that eating chips makes you an excellent student!This happens when you do a boring and demanding activity like studying. All know that chips are tasty and it is enjoyable to eat them. So chips appear to be a reward for the paragraph that you’ve just studied and you’re encouraged to study another.
- If you don’t eat or you don’t like chips you can replace that with other snacks which you like.
- Here are some snacks which are more healthy but aren’t inferior to chips.
- chocolate bars
- fruits or vegetables
- nuts
Chocolate bars

Chocolate has no end of blissful, health-promoting properties that support a positive mood and the ability to think clearly and focus. So chocolate bars are the most preferred snacks among students.
Fruits and Vegetables

In fruits and vegetables have a lot of important vitamins which provide our energy during the all day and help the brain working.
Fruits with favorite yogurt or vegetables with favorite sauce are good type of snacks during the study.
Fruits with favorite yogurt or vegetables with favorite sauce are good type of snacks during the study.

Nuts are usually high in fat, the fat they contain is a healthy type that our body needs. Nuts fat is equal to the fat of chips but don’t worry you will not gain weight. So nuts are healthy snack options.
504 essential words Word Review#4
These exercises are based on some of the words found in Lessons 19-24.
A. In each of the parentheses below there are two choices. Pick the one that fits better.
1. In order to help our own auto companies; the government set up quotas on the
number of foreign cars it would allow to be sent here.
2. To make sure that our sauce is good, we hire workers to harvest those tomatoes that
are not ripe.
3. My hopes for visiting Canada this summer hang on a fragile thread.
4. Try to extract every ounce of juice you can get from these oranges.
5. When I need help with a dilemma, I turn to my father, who always gives me good advice.
6. Since you have made partial payment for your bicycle, you still owe quite a few
7. If you proceed too long over your breakfast, you will be late for school.
8. I didn’t want to get mixed up in the fight between Luke and Pete, so I took a neutral
9. Once I had calculated how long it would take to do the jobs, I knew what to charge.
10. After the facts were relieved the editor* printed the story.
B. Opposites. In Column I are ten words from Lessons 19-24. Match them correctly with their opposite
meanings in Column II.
Column I Column II
1. detest f. Be fond of
2. perish h. Live
3. valiant d. Afraid
4. emerge b. Hide
5. unstable j. Steady
6. weary c. Wide awake
7. scowl i. Smile
8. prior e. Afterwards
9. morsel a. Huge picece
10. rarely g. Often
These exercises are based on some of the words found in Lessons 19-24.
A. In each of the parentheses below there are two choices. Pick the one that fits better.
1. In order to help our own auto companies; the government set up quotas on the
number of foreign cars it would allow to be sent here.
2. To make sure that our sauce is good, we hire workers to harvest those tomatoes that
are not ripe.
3. My hopes for visiting Canada this summer hang on a fragile thread.
4. Try to extract every ounce of juice you can get from these oranges.
5. When I need help with a dilemma, I turn to my father, who always gives me good advice.
6. Since you have made partial payment for your bicycle, you still owe quite a few
7. If you proceed too long over your breakfast, you will be late for school.
8. I didn’t want to get mixed up in the fight between Luke and Pete, so I took a neutral
9. Once I had calculated how long it would take to do the jobs, I knew what to charge.
10. After the facts were relieved the editor* printed the story.
A. In each of the parentheses below there are two choices. Pick the one that fits better.
1. In order to help our own auto companies; the government set up quotas on the
number of foreign cars it would allow to be sent here.
2. To make sure that our sauce is good, we hire workers to harvest those tomatoes that
are not ripe.
3. My hopes for visiting Canada this summer hang on a fragile thread.
4. Try to extract every ounce of juice you can get from these oranges.
5. When I need help with a dilemma, I turn to my father, who always gives me good advice.
6. Since you have made partial payment for your bicycle, you still owe quite a few
7. If you proceed too long over your breakfast, you will be late for school.
8. I didn’t want to get mixed up in the fight between Luke and Pete, so I took a neutral
9. Once I had calculated how long it would take to do the jobs, I knew what to charge.
10. After the facts were relieved the editor* printed the story.
B. Opposites. In Column I are ten words from Lessons 19-24. Match them correctly with their opposite
meanings in Column II.
Column I Column II
1. detest f. Be fond of
2. perish h. Live
3. valiant d. Afraid
4. emerge b. Hide
5. unstable j. Steady
6. weary c. Wide awake
7. scowl i. Smile
8. prior e. Afterwards
9. morsel a. Huge picece
10. rarely g. Often
meanings in Column II.
Column I Column II
1. detest f. Be fond of
2. perish h. Live
3. valiant d. Afraid
4. emerge b. Hide
5. unstable j. Steady
6. weary c. Wide awake
7. scowl i. Smile
8. prior e. Afterwards
9. morsel a. Huge picece
10. rarely g. Often
504 essential words, lesson 20
emerge- come out; come up; come into view (հայտնվել)
jagged- with sharp points sticking out; unevenly cut or torn (խճճված)
linger- stay on; go slowly as if unwilling to leave (դանդաղել, երկար տևել)
ambush- a trap in which soldiers or other enemies hide to make a surprise attack (որոգայթ, դարան)
crafty- skillful in deceiving others; sly; tricky (հմուտ, ճարպիկ, խորամանկ)
defiant- openly resisting; challenging (հանդուգն)
vigor- active strength or force (ուժ, ջանք, ճիգ)
perish- be destroyed; die (մահանալ, ավիրվել, վերանալ)
fragile- easily broken, damaged, or destroyed; delicate (նուրբ, փխրուն)
captive- prisoner (բանտարկյալ)
prosper- be successful; have good fortune (բարգավաճել, աճել)
devour – eat hungrily; absorb* completely; take in greedily (կլանել)
emerge- come out; come up; come into view (հայտնվել)
jagged- with sharp points sticking out; unevenly cut or torn (խճճված)
linger- stay on; go slowly as if unwilling to leave (դանդաղել, երկար տևել)
ambush- a trap in which soldiers or other enemies hide to make a surprise attack (որոգայթ, դարան)
crafty- skillful in deceiving others; sly; tricky (հմուտ, ճարպիկ, խորամանկ)
defiant- openly resisting; challenging (հանդուգն)
vigor- active strength or force (ուժ, ջանք, ճիգ)
perish- be destroyed; die (մահանալ, ավիրվել, վերանալ)
fragile- easily broken, damaged, or destroyed; delicate (նուրբ, փխրուն)
captive- prisoner (բանտարկյալ)
prosper- be successful; have good fortune (բարգավաճել, աճել)
devour – eat hungrily; absorb* completely; take in greedily (կլանել)
jagged- with sharp points sticking out; unevenly cut or torn (խճճված)
linger- stay on; go slowly as if unwilling to leave (դանդաղել, երկար տևել)
ambush- a trap in which soldiers or other enemies hide to make a surprise attack (որոգայթ, դարան)
crafty- skillful in deceiving others; sly; tricky (հմուտ, ճարպիկ, խորամանկ)
defiant- openly resisting; challenging (հանդուգն)
vigor- active strength or force (ուժ, ջանք, ճիգ)
perish- be destroyed; die (մահանալ, ավիրվել, վերանալ)
fragile- easily broken, damaged, or destroyed; delicate (նուրբ, փխրուն)
captive- prisoner (բանտարկյալ)
prosper- be successful; have good fortune (բարգավաճել, աճել)
devour – eat hungrily; absorb* completely; take in greedily (կլանել)
Common Phrases
Listen and complete the phrases.
1. …or he may do a print and have a look what is being shown in the hands now…
2. So it’s our job really to encourage people to live their own life.
3. I’m not a doctor so I wouldn’t go there.
4. …so I thought I’d learn this subject and understand what on earth she was talking about.
5. A lot of people would expect bored housewives, and people with nothing better to do, or…
6. …but in fact the truth is you tend to get all sorts of people.
Useful language
Opening expressions
Thanks 1. for your email / letter.
It was great 2. to hear from you.
Sorry for 3. not writing earlier / than I haven’t been in touch for a while.
I 4. hope you and your family are well.
Responding to news
Sorry 5. to hear about your exam results.
Glad 6. to hear that you’re all well.
Good luck 7. for the new job.
Hope you 8. get better soon.
Closing expressions
Anyway, / Well, that’s all 9. for now.
Hope to hear from you soon. / Looking 10. forward to hearing from you soon.
11. give my regards (love) to…
Take 13. best wishes / Regards / (Lots of) love from…
14. PS (= something you forgot and want to add) Please send me the photos you promised.
Fill in the blanks /Lesson 17/
1. appeal – գրավչություն
2. addict – կախվածություն
3. wary – ուշադիր, զգույշ
4. aware – տեղյակ լինել
5. misfortune – դժբախտ (+ ություն)
6. avoid – խուսափել7. wretched – ճղճիմ, թշվառ, խեղճ
8. keg – տակառիկ
9. nourish – սնել
10. harsh – կոպիտ
11. quantity – չափ
12. opt – ընտրել
2. addict – կախվածություն
3. wary – ուշադիր, զգույշ
4. aware – տեղյակ լինել
5. misfortune – դժբախտ (+ ություն)
6. avoid – խուսափել7. wretched – ճղճիմ, թշվառ, խեղճ
8. keg – տակառիկ
9. nourish – սնել
10. harsh – կոպիտ
11. quantity – չափ
12. opt – ընտրել
Fill in the blanks1. Sometimes it is best to avoid being too nice to strangers.
2. I wasn’t aware that there were concerts in the park on Tuesdays.
3. We bought a large keg of potato chips for the party.
4. Rock ‘n roll music just doesn’t appeal to me.
5. My aunt was in wretched health and had to have nurses on twenty-four hour duty.
6. The harsh smoke from the fireplace burned my eyes.
7. It was quite a misfortune that Beverly’s husband died in an automobile accident.
8. If I had to opt for a new career, it would be medicine.
9. It is smart to be wary of foods whose contents are not listed on the package.
10. The judge denounced* the thief for stealing a quantity of molasses.
11. A candy bar will not nourish you the way a piece of meat will.
12. Baxter took pep pills regularly and became a drug addict without realizing it.
2. I wasn’t aware that there were concerts in the park on Tuesdays.
3. We bought a large keg of potato chips for the party.
4. Rock ‘n roll music just doesn’t appeal to me.
5. My aunt was in wretched health and had to have nurses on twenty-four hour duty.
6. The harsh smoke from the fireplace burned my eyes.
7. It was quite a misfortune that Beverly’s husband died in an automobile accident.
8. If I had to opt for a new career, it would be medicine.
9. It is smart to be wary of foods whose contents are not listed on the package.
10. The judge denounced* the thief for stealing a quantity of molasses.
11. A candy bar will not nourish you the way a piece of meat will.
12. Baxter took pep pills regularly and became a drug addict without realizing it.
The take questionnaire
1. Are you a cautious person or do you enjoy taking risks?
2. Are you decisive person? Do you find it easy to take decisions?
3. Do you take climate change seriously? What are you doing about it?
4. Are you like your father or your mother? Who do you take after?
5. Are you busy, nervous person or do you take things easy?
6. Are you a stubborn person or do you take notice of what other people tell you?7. Do you worry about your health? Do you take care of yourself?
8. Do you get up very quickly in the morning or do you take your time?
9. Have you ever not taken advantage of a good opportunity (and regretted it)?
10. Have you ever taken part in a demonstration?
11. Have you taken up new sport or hobby recently?
12. Has any big sporting event ever taken place in your city?
2. Are you decisive person? Do you find it easy to take decisions?
3. Do you take climate change seriously? What are you doing about it?
4. Are you like your father or your mother? Who do you take after?
5. Are you busy, nervous person or do you take things easy?
6. Are you a stubborn person or do you take notice of what other people tell you?7. Do you worry about your health? Do you take care of yourself?
8. Do you get up very quickly in the morning or do you take your time?
9. Have you ever not taken advantage of a good opportunity (and regretted it)?
10. Have you ever taken part in a demonstration?
11. Have you taken up new sport or hobby recently?
12. Has any big sporting event ever taken place in your city?
Fill in the blanks /Lesson 20/
1. emerge – հայտնվել
2. jagged – խճճված
3. linger – դանդաղել, ոտքը կախ գցել
4. ambush – որոգայթ, դարան
5. crafty – հմուտ, ճարպիկ6. defiant – հանդուգն
7. vigor – ուժ, ճիգ
8. perish – մահանալ, ավիրվել
9. fragile – փխրուն
10. captive – բանտարկյալ
11. prosper – բարգավաճել
12. devour – խժռել, անկուշտ
2. jagged – խճճված
3. linger – դանդաղել, ոտքը կախ գցել
4. ambush – որոգայթ, դարան
5. crafty – հմուտ, ճարպիկ6. defiant – հանդուգն
7. vigor – ուժ, ճիգ
8. perish – մահանալ, ավիրվել
9. fragile – փխրուն
10. captive – բանտարկյալ
11. prosper – բարգավաճել
12. devour – խժռել, անկուշտ
Fill in the blanks
1. If we do not do something about pollution,* we may perish from this earth.
2. The jagged edge of that sheet of metal is very dangerous.
3. We were held captive by the sinister* enemy for ten days.
4. The bank teller’s crafty plan to steal a million dollars didn’t succeed.
5. I like to linger on until everyone else has left the theater.
6. My parents taught me not to be defiant of authority.
7. Did the ambush of the Lebanese soldiers fail?
8. Business persons can prosper if they are honest with their customers.
9. A new star has just emerge from the rock music world.
10. I can devour a steak in two minutes when I am hungry.
11. With a surprising show of vigor, the old woman swam up and down the pool six times!
12. A lack* of calcium in Tyrone’s diet caused his bones to be quite fragile.
1. If we do not do something about pollution,* we may perish from this earth.
2. The jagged edge of that sheet of metal is very dangerous.
3. We were held captive by the sinister* enemy for ten days.
4. The bank teller’s crafty plan to steal a million dollars didn’t succeed.
5. I like to linger on until everyone else has left the theater.
6. My parents taught me not to be defiant of authority.
7. Did the ambush of the Lebanese soldiers fail?
8. Business persons can prosper if they are honest with their customers.
9. A new star has just emerge from the rock music world.
10. I can devour a steak in two minutes when I am hungry.
11. With a surprising show of vigor, the old woman swam up and down the pool six times!
12. A lack* of calcium in Tyrone’s diet caused his bones to be quite fragile.
504 essential words. Lesson 16
slender- սլացիկ, չնչին
surpass- գերազանցել
vast- հսկայական
doubt- կասկած
capacity- տարորունակնություն, կարողություն
penetrate- ներթափանցել
pierce- ներթափանցել
accurate- ճշգրիտ
microscope- խոշորացույց
grateful- երախտապարտ, շնորհակալ
cautious- ուշադիր
confident- վստահ
Fill in the blanks.
1. Little Paul was grateful that he got the Christmas present he asked for. 2. I doubt that you can break Michael’s scoring record. 3. My mother used to say that I was as slender as a toothpick. 4. Be cautious about swimming right after eating a meal. 5. The map he drew of our neighborhood was not very accurate 6. In Superman comics, the only thing Superman couldn’t penetrate was lead. 7. When my family went to look for a new house, we had a vast choice. 8. Modern highways far surpass the old dirt roads of yesterday. 9. The jar was filled to capacity. 10. We were all very confident that Duane would pass his exams. 11. The microscope used by my biology teacher is very expensive. 12. The music was so loud that I thought that it would pierce my eardrums.
slender- սլացիկ, չնչին
surpass- գերազանցել
vast- հսկայական
doubt- կասկած
capacity- տարորունակնություն, կարողություն
penetrate- ներթափանցել
pierce- ներթափանցել
accurate- ճշգրիտ
microscope- խոշորացույց
grateful- երախտապարտ, շնորհակալ
cautious- ուշադիր
confident- վստահ
surpass- գերազանցել
vast- հսկայական
doubt- կասկած
capacity- տարորունակնություն, կարողություն
penetrate- ներթափանցել
pierce- ներթափանցել
accurate- ճշգրիտ
microscope- խոշորացույց
grateful- երախտապարտ, շնորհակալ
cautious- ուշադիր
confident- վստահ
Fill in the blanks.
1. Little Paul was grateful that he got the Christmas present he asked for. 2. I doubt that you can break Michael’s scoring record. 3. My mother used to say that I was as slender as a toothpick. 4. Be cautious about swimming right after eating a meal. 5. The map he drew of our neighborhood was not very accurate 6. In Superman comics, the only thing Superman couldn’t penetrate was lead. 7. When my family went to look for a new house, we had a vast choice. 8. Modern highways far surpass the old dirt roads of yesterday. 9. The jar was filled to capacity. 10. We were all very confident that Duane would pass his exams. 11. The microscope used by my biology teacher is very expensive. 12. The music was so loud that I thought that it would pierce my eardrums.
New English file slide 156 ex. 1, 2
She’s kind(sort) of person who…
- always looks at herself in every mirror she passes. ()
- takes care to do things carefully and correctly. (conscientious)
- is prepared to accept new and different ideas. (open-minded)
- doesn’t say what she really thinks. (insincere)
- other people often find different or unusual. (eccentric)
- is fairly relaxed about most things. (calm)
- is emotionally in control, not moody. (well-balanced)
- never changes her opinion even when she’s clearly wrong. (stubborn)
- expresses her ideas or opinions with confidence. (assertive)
- is always in a good mood. (cheerful)
- feels sure about her ability to do things. (self-confident)
- isn’t very sure about herself. (insecure)
- is determined to be successful. (ambitious)
He’s good at..
14. supporting his friends. (loyal)
15. giving people advice because of his knowledge. (wise)
16. keeping his head in a crisis. ()
15. giving people advice because of his knowledge. (wise)
16. keeping his head in a crisis. ()
She’s not very good at…
17. letting other people share her friends. (possessive)
18. showing her feelings or expressing her opinions. (reserved)
18. showing her feelings or expressing her opinions. (reserved)
He tends to…
19. behave like a child. (immature)
20. act without thinking. (bad-tempered)
21. get angry very easily. (impulsive)
22. think he is better and more important than other people. (arrogant)
23. expect good things to happen. (optimistic)
20. act without thinking. (bad-tempered)
21. get angry very easily. (impulsive)
22. think he is better and more important than other people. (arrogant)
23. expect good things to happen. (optimistic)
She has/has got…
24. a great sense of humor. (funny)
Exercise 2
-ible (responsible, incredible, possible)
-able (sociable, comfortable, unavailable, unforgettable, fashionable)
-ful (helpful, grateful, painful, careful)
-y (bossy, girly, cloudy, icy)
-ive (assertive, reproductive)
-ous (ambitious, precious, anonymous, fabulous)
-al (practical, optional, personal)
-ic (ironic, iconic, basic, classic)
Grammatical tasks
3C. Exercise A. Don’t worry. Rob will have passed the exam if he’s studied enough.
1. If I’m not feeling better tomorrow, I’m going to go to the doctor’s.
2. Kerry won’t be going to work next week if her children are still ill.
3. Don’t call Chloe now. If it’s eight o’clock, she will be bathing the baby.
4. You can be fined if you aren’t wearing a seat belt in your car.
5. If we’re lucky, we’ll have sold our house by Christmas.
6. If plants aren’t watered, they die.
1. If I’m not feeling better tomorrow, I’m going to go to the doctor’s.
2. Kerry won’t be going to work next week if her children are still ill.
3. Don’t call Chloe now. If it’s eight o’clock, she will be bathing the baby.
4. You can be fined if you aren’t wearing a seat belt in your car.
5. If we’re lucky, we’ll have sold our house by Christmas.
6. If plants aren’t watered, they die.
Exercise B. I’ll call you as soon as I get back from my holiday.1. He’s going to pack his suitcase before he goes to bed.
2. They’re setting off early in case there’s a lot of traffic.
3. Sophie will be leaving work early tomorrow unless her boss needs her.
4. I’m meeting an old friend when I go to London.
5. I’ll call you after I find out my results.
6. If I’m late tomorrow, start the meeting without me.
7. Lily will have packed some sandwiches in case we get hungry.
8. They’ll be playing in the park until it gets dark.
2. They’re setting off early in case there’s a lot of traffic.
3. Sophie will be leaving work early tomorrow unless her boss needs her.
4. I’m meeting an old friend when I go to London.
5. I’ll call you after I find out my results.
6. If I’m late tomorrow, start the meeting without me.
7. Lily will have packed some sandwiches in case we get hungry.
8. They’ll be playing in the park until it gets dark.
Conditionals and future time clauses
3C. Exercise A. Don’t worry. Rob will have passed the exam if he’s studied enough.
1. If I’m not feeling better tomorrow, I’m going to go to the doctor’s.
2. Kerry won’t be going to work next week if her children are still ill.
3. Don’t call Chloe now. If it’s eight o’clock, she will be bathing the baby.
4. You can be fined if you aren’t wearing a seat belt in your car.
5. If we’re lucky, we’ll have sold our house by Christmas.
6. If plants aren’t watered, they die.
1. If I’m not feeling better tomorrow, I’m going to go to the doctor’s.
2. Kerry won’t be going to work next week if her children are still ill.
3. Don’t call Chloe now. If it’s eight o’clock, she will be bathing the baby.
4. You can be fined if you aren’t wearing a seat belt in your car.
5. If we’re lucky, we’ll have sold our house by Christmas.
6. If plants aren’t watered, they die.
Exercise B. I’ll call you as soon as I get back from my holiday.1. He’s going to pack his suitcase before he goes to bed.
2. They’re setting off early in case there’s a lot of traffic.
3. Sophie will be leaving work early tomorrow unless her boss needs her.
4. I’m meeting an old friend when I go to London.
5. I’ll call you after I find out my results.
6. If I’m late tomorrow, start the meeting without me.
7. Lily will have packed some sandwiches in case we get hungry.
8. They’ll be playing in the park until it gets dark.
2. They’re setting off early in case there’s a lot of traffic.
3. Sophie will be leaving work early tomorrow unless her boss needs her.
4. I’m meeting an old friend when I go to London.
5. I’ll call you after I find out my results.
6. If I’m late tomorrow, start the meeting without me.
7. Lily will have packed some sandwiches in case we get hungry.
8. They’ll be playing in the park until it gets dark.
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